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Growing through the Challenges
So my last blog was posted July 3rd! I always start the season with the best of intentions. I tell myself I will write one every two weeks or so. That works fine for the first couple months then goes by the wayside as weeding and picking take over, along with the ever present and most important task of tending my kids.
I think of ideas and start writing in my head, but never get the time to sit down and type them. Sometimes I view it as a fail and feel that I am not connecting enough with all of you. This is made worse when as the season progresses I am at the CSA pickups less and less. It’s a symptom of lots of produce ready and most of our help going back to college. The catch twenty two is I have to pick the crops and tend the plants in order to provide them to you each week, but then that means I don’t get to see you as often!! And I miss it; I do really enjoy getting to visit and know you all throughout the year.

And why do I have time to write today? I am sitting in the preschool driveway, providing a bit of security for Dudley. He handled the first day of preschool like a champ, but ended up coming home the second. He got so upset, he threw up multiple times. I do know that part of the reason the transition is so difficult is because he is home with me all the time and has a strong bond. I won’t apologize for that but do know he needs to learn and grow in this new setting.
So today I stayed in the room for a while, then moved to the foyer and finally to my suburban. At each stage he became upset again but would eventually calm down. The teacher hasn’t had to come get me so I am making the positive assumption that he is enjoying preschool. I had hoped it would go more smoothly and his time at school would allow me to get some extra work done. That hasn’t panned out yet, but looking on the positive, this waiting time it has given me the opportunity to write!

That does summarize this year (and life) well. I grow while taking the joys with the challenges and choosing to find hope and goodness. Without question, it has been a tough year, one with more challenges than I can count. Death, multiple crop losses, sickness, and lack of sleep…it seems that each week there is a tragedy that shakes up our world. Yet…there is hope. God shows it to us in many beautiful and creative ways.

A breathtaking sunrise after a sleepless night, a hawk perched on my uncle’s metal cross sculpture, friends and neighbors (YOU!) giving us kind words and encouragement, help from a friend (shout out to Marty and Joscelyn Fredericks) helping at the farmers’ market when I was way behind. I could go on about the numerous ways we have felt God’s presence and yours rally around us this year. We thank you for your loyalty, your patience and your support.

Wonderful blog post Guin. My family and I have loved being part of the CSA… We have been able to enjoy fresh, LOCAL, delicious fruits and veggies all summer. It has brought us closer to friends and neighbors too, as we have been able to share the bounty of your hard work!! My son calls it “special food” and is so excited to see the CSA shares in the car when I pick him up from daycare. It has been such a positive in our lives in many subtle ways… Thank you!!